Establish before disrupting

One nugget from a day in my life

A month ago . . .

I met a new colleague in the C-Suite. She is seasoned, intelligent, and seems nice. As I was giving her background on my team and some of the items we would like to see moving forward I said one thing - establish before disrupting. I said this because as much as I love structure, even I know one can’t get to the optimal version of something without building a first draft. I shared this with this colleague to help her pause, assess, research, and then build that first draft with her goal in mind. This is how I move forward with most things, but it wasn’t always that way.

Early on in my caregiving days, I wanted to get to the solution. I needed to make sure whatever my Mom was feeling or needed was immediately addressed. And, I did this regardless of understanding the way healthcare worked. However, once I figured out how the system on the clinician front, I was more successful in getting my Mom what she needed. Understanding allowed me to fill in the gaps and eventually shift some behaviors.

Establish before disrupting can help you get to the root of an issue and develop a few paths forward.

White plug plugged into an outlet on the wall

Gif by Eventix on Giphy

Speaking of getting understanding, are you a woman who feels plugged in all of the time? You might be dealing with “role conflict overload.” This has to do with the many “jobs” we have as caregivers, partners, workers, etc. It is also due to the fact technology keeps us connected to everything unless we go out of our way to create boundaries. Do something for yourself and set up a ritual when you finish your day that gives you some time to unplug (and no sleep doesn’t count). 😉

A few things to note:

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